About Me 2017-09-04T17:44:27+00:00

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My Journey

What began as my personal quest to save my own life from the relentless destruction of a mental health disorder, led me down the path of research and education in nutrition and health. I learned to harness the incredible power food and nutrients have on our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.
Along my journey, my focus turned to my children when I recognized that food allergies and sensitivities don’t always show up with physical symptoms; sometimes they present with emotional and behavioral symptoms instead. Desperate to help my daughter build friendships and rewarding childhood experiences, I had to learn ways  to live with food sensitives in a world that seems to constantly revolve around eating.

My Experience

I have experience working one-on-one with clients to identify and manage food sensitivities and have taught community workshops on childhood nutrition and physiology. I used nutrition to overcome my own personal mental health challenges and watched the amazing personality transformation in my daughter when we eliminated foods that were preventing her from connecting emotionally to her peers. These experiences have given me the expertise to help you navigate the often confusing waters of healthier eating so your family can have less stress and increased happiness.
When I am not helping families or obsessively devouring the latest nutrition research, I enjoy creative outlets like sewing, making stickers, and all things planner related. I am a volunteer Girl Scout leader and I am passionate about helping the girls rock being a #CookieBOSS. Yes, that’s right, this nutritionist helps girls peddle Girl Scout cookies to the world! My daughters are serious about selling cookies even when food sensitivities prevent them from eating them. This motivation reflects how passionate our family is about raising future leaders, CEOs and entrepreneurs!

Greetings and Welcome

I’m licensed clinical nutritionist, mom to four kids, and founder of Simple Nutritionist.


I am on a mission to help parents overcome the powerless feelings that come with seeing their children struggle with emotional and learning challenges. Through simple and practical strategies, I empower parents to use nutrition to help their kids reach their full intellectual and social potential. Perfection is a four-letter-word in my world and I want parents to feel safe to start as they are, without judgement, and make progress-not-perfection their goal for healthier eating.

My Philosophy

My philosophy is that nutrition doesn’t have to be perfect or complicated. I admit to having my own healthy eating challenges (eating out is my biggest issue) and I don’t pretend to be perfect. I remember a moment during my nutrition studies, I admitted to a peer that I often frequented a specific fast food chain. Yes, I knew exactly what was in their food and I chose to eat there anyways; my fellow student was horrified at this revelation. I knew, right then and there, I did not want to be that kind of nutritionist. I never want anyone to feel judged or like they’re committing a health-crime by eating food.
I approach healthy eating from an everyday, whole foods perspective. While I certain superfoods have impressive benefits, I want everyone to build a foundation of healthy eating with foods that feel familiar and comfortable to them. My primary recommendations will not suggest someone go and spend a whole paycheck at a health food store on a small handful of items.